
This blog is collection of posts written while I am in India.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Cement, Sleep and Sanitation

Our work continues to build a fence with reinforced concrete posts (concrete is no good for posts but all other materials get stolen) and barbed wire. The fence will segment an unused 10 acre block into 5 paddocks for grazing. Better nutrition and exercise will allow Mukti’s cattle to produce more milk.

Alan and I worked full days on Friday and Saturday last weekend, finishing 175 concrete posts and around 30 support posts in our first week fencing.

Fence Posts

More Concrete Fence Posts

Somebody watching

I have come to know the contractors well. ‘Meinodin’, ‘Hardave’, ‘Pablou’ and ‘Saddam’ have worked very hard for me. On Friday I gave them some sunscreen because they were fascinated by it. Meinodin rubbed it into his arm with one finger. After I explained that I paid Rs. 500 (AU$10 ~ 2 days wage) in Australia for the bottle they tried repaying me with tobacco. On Saturday I worked out that they had moved from Gurapur to Maharashtra to find work. Hardave and Pablou are Hindu, Meinodin and his son Saddam (15yo) are Muslim. 

Pablou - My best worker

Hardave - Having a sleep

Pablou and Saddam

Thursday and Friday last week I had some trouble sleeping. Saturday night after a full day in the sun I could not sleep all night. Sunday Church was a blur and I lay awake in bed all afternoon trying to sleep. On Sunday night I resorted to medication. Monday night I had the same problem again. I am very tired and relaxed at night but I cannot sleep.

Several local people come through a gap in the external fence where we are working to do their morning business. They will walk in casually with their bottle of water to clean up afterwards. I am thoroughly sick of the human stench that wafts across the area. On Saturday I started shouting in Marathi “Get out, Mukti Mission property” and they leave and cross the road. One man I sent away mid-act and he was very upset. Also in a similar fashion I was trying to chase a pack of dogs off Mukti land when I accidently hit one with a large brick.

On Saturday night we had a special dinner and party for the local reverend’s grandson who turned 1.

On Monday we finished concreting all 207 posts and 60 support poles!

Concreting Finished

Today we began stringing barbed wire. Alan leaves on Thursday and I will have just over one week to complete the project.

Tuesday - Wire

It looks like a fence


  1. Hey Andrew,

    Great to be able to read about your time in India. It sounds pretty full on with the fence post work. Well done! That's pretty tough going in the heat, language barriers, and the stench! I was amazed where I was in Andreh Pradesh just how much poo there was everywhere!
    I was talking to Jacqui Sunday night about her time in India. I suggested it would be great to catch up and gather all who went to India over summer to share, debrief and pray. There is quite a few around KBC who were in India.

    Hang in there and keep up the good work. Hope and pray you continue to sense and know God' s grace and power in you ministry there.

    Praying for you right now!


    Nick T

    With drinking so much water and lots of strenuous exercise, try and get some extra salt into the diet to avoid hyponatremia. Might explain the inability to sleep.

  2. Thank you uncle Nick! Buyea Achaya! I will take gastro salts to boost my sodium cheers!

  3. Really good to hear you on Skype at NightChurch tonight, Andrew. I loved what you asked us to pray for you about. Look forward to catching up when you get back.
