
This blog is collection of posts written while I am in India.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Back to work…

This week has been filled with some good tasks. We have been reviving a house for a married couple who have come to serve at Mukti. Alan and I spent two days dismantling the old windows to remove dusty rusted mesh and replace it with new mosquito mesh. Here are some photos of the finished house and one before/after shot.

House #1

House #2



The rooms inside were a lot lighter after we had finished.

Today we spent the morning building some free standing shelves from scrap wood for an older lady.

Free Standing Shelves

There are a few things that are starting to seem normal. I can easily walk down a busy street with vehicles flying past in all directions. I am also used to washing with a bucket and living in a simple room.

However I am still surprised by a few things. Yesterday I bought an ice cream, two packets of chips and four Kit-Kats for under a dollar. Some things are just as expensive as they are in Australia and some things are very cheap. The other thing that still catches my attention is a certain smell along the track. It is not offensive here to do your business in public.

All in all I am doing well. I have started really enjoying the local food again. I have been going back for a second helping at lunch and dinner. At night I read and work a bit before bed. The most pressing need is for a more steady sleep. Nevertheless I feel healthier here than I do working indoors back in Australia.

I hope you are all well back home. I only have one month left tonight until I leave India. I think the time will go quickly. I am hoping to start and finish a major project before then to build a fence so that the cattle can graze in a paddock. Hopefully I can fit it into three working weeks.

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