
This blog is collection of posts written while I am in India.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Settling In

After flying to Pune I became quite sick with a mild fever and an uncontrollable stomach for 48 hours (compliments of something in Jaipur). Some rest and a lot of gastrolyte and I am feeling much better.

I am starting to meet people and learn a small amount about Mukti. We have had tours of some of the schools, the farm and the hospital. I met some lovely blind women who are fully self sustained and make baskets. They sang us a song and enjoyed hearing my deep voice.

Today we attended local church in the morning. It was long (even for a Christian), but good. In the afternoon Jacquie and I went walking with one of the families (the 'orchid' family ~25 girls). There are many problems here that I face because I am a man. Wherever I go at this point I make sure I take one of the Australian girls as to avoid dangerous situations. There are over 1000 women living here and sometimes they get very excited to see me.

I am going to post here every few days. I will endeavour to keep it interesting. Tomorrow I will upload some photos of my living arrangements.

1 comment:

  1. "...enjoyed hearing my deep voice." - LOL, that's great Andrew, I bet they fell in love with you with your long golden hair and fair skin too!
